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Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.

Get Involved!

As a member of the REALTOR® Party, you act when called upon to support the REALTOR® Party at the local, state and national levels. Recognizing the importance of REALTORS® speaking with one voice, participating in national and state Calls for Action allows our collective voice to be heard from Capitol Hill to the statehouse. In addition, participating in community outreach projects and activities sponsored by your state and local associations are great ways for REALTORS® to establish themselves as valuable community assets.





Find your State and Local elected Officials:  Learn where they stand on Real Estate Issues

Research an Issue using the State Issues Tracker:

Join the Broker Involvement Program

Managing Brokers, the Broker Involvement Program offers you and your agents:

• A Voice on Capitol Hill
The program is an opportunity to bring a strong and united REALTOR® voice to Members of Congress. With more than 15,000 broker owners and 470,000 agents in the program, the REALTOR® voice will be heard loud and clear.

• An Easy-to-Manage Solution
Nothing needs to be downloaded and there is no cost to the broker. NAR gives the broker-owner or managing broker access to the Broker Portal.

• Proven Results
Your online participation report will show you response rates on Broker Calls for Action are significantly higher. The message is from you, the broker, to your agents. Nearly 40 percent of all responses on the Broker Calls for Action are from agents in the Broker Involvement Program. Your agents listen to you then take action!

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